September: The Commandments

“Consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God” (Mosiah 2:41)

This is a great month to teach the Youth about one of the critical aspects of the Gospel. Commandments are tools to grow spiritually, guidelines to keep us safe, liberators to keep us free from bondage ... and most of all -- it is in the keeping of them where we manifest the highest form of obedience, as in making and keeping temple covenants.

The first time the connection between keeping the commandments and receiving personal power hit me was when I arrived in Ireland and learned our mission motto:
"The day the commandments cease to be an irritation and start to be a quest is the day we will gain power" (unknown)
How do we teach the commandments? What stories, analogies, questions, etc. can we use to teach the youth about this all important topic?

September: Commandments

“Consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God” (Mosiah 2:41).
The outlines in this unit will help the youth understand how obedience to Heavenly Father’s commandments affects their happiness in this life and their progression toward eternal life in the world to come. In this unit the youth will also learn how to encourage others to understand and obey the commandments.

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